Andrea L. Parliament

Secular Hope:

What the Religious Right Really Wants and

Why Liberal Democrats Should Support ThemSecular Hope Andrea L. Parliament

The poorly defined word "secular" is at the heart of the culture wars. Academics and legal scholars, by failing to distinguish between different types of secularism, are inadvertently fuelling the global resurgence of strident monotheism.

Secular Hope starts the discussion by first defining monotheism, then distinguishes between Romantic, Rational, and Postmodern Secularism. Postmodern Secularism, as the champion of "tolerance" is explored in particular detail for it is morphing traditional liberal values. The American and Canadian constitutions are compared as examples of Romantic and Postmodern Secularism, both of which have unique limitations. 

Secular Hope proposes the best of both by heeding Harvey Cox's 1965 warning not to confuse secularism with secularization and using Northrop Frye's U-shaped plot of progress, to show how a common vision of progress can bring hope back into politics. With clearer definitions and a new metaphor of secular progress, the political aspirations of the religious right become much easier to understand, respect and support.    

As Secular Hope is grounded in a rational interpretation of monotheism, it also envisions an uniquely Islamic version of secularization that is compatible with the Judeo-Christian version that has evolved in the West.

Secular Hope begins and ends with America's current political climate and debates on healthcare reform and same-sex marriage. However, the book is grounded in the academic work of Harvard theologian Harvey Cox's The Secular City; Canadian literary critic Northrop Frye's The Great Code; and German philosopher, Jürgen Habermas' Religion and Rationality, Essays on Reason, God and Modernity.


The Movie Version: The Political History of Time and Truth in 10 Minutes

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Ten Ways to Rationally Defend your Faith

Finally, ten effective rebuttals to the new atheists, in terms you will both understand.

Expected September 2010

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SEcularizing the Myth of Patriarchy

The historical development of the myth of patriarchy is examined for clues of the essence of human nature, and masculinity in particular. This book will examine historically changing concepts of human nature that have underpinned different moral judgments and well as the historical development of the term "nature".

Expected 2011


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© Andrea Parliament 2010