Andrea L. Parliament

  • Andrea Parliament wants to promote the idea that positive change in the world starts with faithfaith in humanism or faith in Godit doesn't really matter. What is important is having faith in the humanity of your enemies; acting bravely, rationally and compassionately, especially in the face of anger, frustration and violence. 
  • Andrea Parliament was working as tax policy advisor attending a meeting on Ontario’s private school tax credit when she learned that a plane had flown into the World Trade Centre. Convinced the timing was not a coincidence but a sign of profound cultural changes, Andrea started to research the history of secularization and the different secular constitutions as a way of managing her growing cynicism. 
  • Andrea is a Canadian lawyer and policy writer and earned her LLB/MBA from Dalhousie University in 1999 and her BA with Honors in Psychology from the University of Alberta in 1990. She has a passion for interdisciplinary studies, public policy and political philosophy. Andrea has extensive legal and policy experience on a range of topics; including women's issues, income tax policy, and financial sector regulation. She has worked at the Canadian Banker's Association, a large Bay-street law firm, the Ontario Ministry of Finance and Alberta's Ministry of Community Development.   
  • Andrea was called to the Ontario bar in 2001, is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada, the American Academy of Religion, and the American Political Science Association. Andrea currently lives, and practices law, in Burlington, Ontario, Canada.